I think this is the third post in a row that mentions Uncle Brandon.

He loves Asher and Asher loves him. He is a great uncle. Always stopping by to go do something fun with Ash.

Last week as we were leaving the Discovery Gateway, all buckled up in the car, I gave Ash a tootsie roll. He takes a bite... and makes a funny cough. Brandon takes a look at him and is like "he's choking." I stop the car (in the middle of the road). Brandon is already leaning into the back and pulling open the seat belt. Asher makes a few more cough noises... then 'blah'. He pukes. Just a little.

I pull off the road. Clean him up. After just a minute or two he's back to normal.

This isn't the first time he's choked on something (unfortunately). This is the reason I cut his candy and food into small pieces or 'flat it'. THIS IS, HOWEVER, the first time Brandon has seen him choke.

He told me a few days later that he had a nightmare about it.

Brandon doesn't have kids yet... I think I might have just extended that.

I've heard you shouldn't feed your kids in the car. I probably shouldn't, but the sad reality is sometimes I do.

I think I'll just take a mulligan on this one and just say BAD MOMMY.