some favorite posts:


Diapers... I'm getting tired of them.

My little guy is almost 2 and a half. Big enough to poop like a man basically. It's disgusting.

I'm ready to start potty training him. He has a different opinion.

We figured the whole teeth brushing thing worked out pretty well (we don't even pay him anymore, he just brushes them now)... so why not try bribery for this as well?

He really wants this toy.

Yes that truck... all the way up on the top of that bookshelf. See it? He played with it at his cousin's house ALL NIGHT LONG (that's pretty long in two year old time).

We tried just telling him we would get it for him when he pee-peed on the toilet.

That didn't work.

Now we've actually purchased the truck and placed it all the way up there so he can't play with it. Once in a while we do get it down and let him hold it, but just as a reminder he can have it after he goes.

We'll see.

As for now it's a pretty awesome living room decoration. You should all get one.


Yes... it's been a while since my last post.


I've been moving to the new house I previously mentioned.

I will be back in business soon with great stories about our move and other fun stuff.

Stay tuned.