Now that the house market has settled down we have decided to look for a home to purchase. This is a BIG step for us. Our first house!

When Tom and I got married, Tom was just trying to get into pharmacy school. We had no idea where he'd end up going to school, so we decided to just rent for a year until we figured it out. By the time we found out Tom got accepted to the U of U, the market went OUT OF CONTROL.

We couldn't afford ANYTHING (being starving students and all).

I'd constantly check the house prices, and finally one day *HOORAY* there were houses we could actually afford.

I got a nice Realtor (he's my parent's home teacher and they gave him two thumbs up). His name is Lonnie. Every house we go to Asher screams "where's Lonnie" anytime he gets out of eye site. He says they are 'buddies.' Sometimes he even calls him DAD. That was a little awkward.

Ash has been a trooper through the house hunt. He actually likes it. Every house has stuff to look at (sometimes play with if I'm not watching close enough... lots of hand wipes were used) or couches to jump on.

I think we are getting close to finding something. It's really exciting to think about. Oh the space! I can just imagine it now. Room to breathe without toys crowding me, and a BACKYARD. Yes, a BACKYARD!

One day soon... I can't wait!